What are Co-Labs?
Co-Labs are collaborative professional learning opportunities that bring educators together to learn, innovate, and lead. This isn’t your typical PD. In Co-Labs, teachers work in small groups of 12-15 to share your knowledge and expertise on a topic of common interest—learning while you innovate.
We provide high-quality research and resources that enhance your understanding and you collaborate with other teachers to deepen your knowledge. You test out new strategies in your own classrooms and schools, aiming to improve your teaching practices. Then, you create artifacts of your learning that we support you to share with teachers beyond the Co-Lab.
Participants in our Co-Labs can receive stipends, digital badges, PDPs, and a whole host of resources—as well as membership in our big and growing community of Massachusetts educators.
What kind of Co-Lab is right for me?
Every year we offer a variety of Co-Labs on topics that matter to teachers. We have three main kinds of Co-Labs for teachers that help you grow personally and professionally:
For teachers in the learning stage with the topic.
Support your growth and learning in “hot” topic areas that will immediately have an impact in your classroom. Get peer support and coaching on something you’re building for your students.
For teachers experienced with the topic who are ready to collaborate, innovate, and problem-solve with peers.
Support your design process in building something that will impact your classroom and inspire others.
For experienced teachers interested in becoming leaders and using their expertise to make a difference within and beyond their own schools.
Support your development as a teacher-leader and support you in applying these skills to help you meet your goals.
Why join a Co-Lab?
Teachers don’t need just another professional development opportunity, they need three scarce resources: time, support, and one another.
It is our goal that every teacher who participates in Co-Labs reports that your experience positively impacts your teaching practice, deepens your knowledge of equitable teaching practices, and helps you sharpen teacher leadership skills so that more teachers can benefit from your growing expertise. What’s more, you’ll do this as part of a large, vibrant—and growing—community of Massachusetts educators committed to learning, creating, and leading in the same areas as you.